21 year old Julie Ann Gonzalez loved her daughter, she would do anything for her. One day, her family could not get a hold of her. Her ex-husband told them she was acting weird and that she told him she was taking off to Colorado, something they...
21 year old Julie Ann Gonzalez loved her daughter, she would do anything for her. One day, her family could not get a hold of her. Her ex-husband told them she was acting weird and that she told him she was taking off to Colorado, something they refused to believe.
Cristina shares the case of Julie Ann Gonzalez and Carmen talks about three cryptids from Latin America, El Chonchon, the Vampire Plant and the Abagoochie. First, they read a listener story and end with spooky recommendations.
If you have a spooky story to share, email Espookytales@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at the Espooky Hot Line (360)836-4486. You can also submit it on Discord!
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Join the Espooky Tales Book Club for Busy People: https://substack.com/@espooky?utm_source=profile-page
Listen to Cristina guest on PNW Haunts and Homicides
Listen to Carmen and Cristina's other podcast Historias Unknown
The current book club read is the Witches of El Paso by Luis Jaramillo, if you want to purchase the book, check out our bookshop link https://bookshop.org/lists/espooky-book-club-list
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