July 17, 2024

The Murder of Pravin Varughese: Police Negligence & Racial Discrimination Feed Drop

The Murder of Pravin Varughese: Police Negligence & Racial Discrimination Feed Drop

Cristina and Carmen were just at the True Crime and Paranormal Podcast festival, where they met other amazing podcasts that talk about cases that need more attention. One of these podcasts was Haunted Detective

Haunted Detective is true crime podcast...

Cristina and Carmen were just at the True Crime and Paranormal Podcast festival, where they met other amazing podcasts that talk about cases that need more attention. One of these podcasts was Haunted Detective

Haunted Detective is true crime podcast that investigates the Macabre side of the world. Kelsey Childs and Pamela J explore Paranormal mysteries nestled within the strangest crime cases you will ever hear about. From human doll makers and odd hauntings to people who vanished without a trace, the Haunted Detective podcast is a series that will make you question everything.

Listen to them here: https://link.chtbl.com/haunteddetective

Show notes: 

For this weeks season special, Kelsey and Pamela are going to be deep diving into the murder of Pravin Varughese; a case that has involved horrific displays of racial prejudice, police negligence and just overall bizarre court rulings.


